Chua Productions

Chua Productions is currently a 1-person indie videogame studio, which makes 2D games, 3D games, AR games, and VR games. The lead creator is Bernice Anne W. Chua, who sometimes collaborates with others. Chua Productions hopes that you enjoy and have fun!!! ^_^ And maybe learn something along the way.
-- screenshots (temporary webpage)
-- "Dágat" is a cute endless runner game, where you play as a fish who was separated from their school, and you have to avoid dangers like predators and plastic bags. (Since it's swimming, maybe it should be called "endless swimmer" instead??) [ private repo, ask for access: ]
-- Play the pre-Alpha demo!
-- Press Kit
-- status: actively being worked on
-- Augmented Reality game where you play with butterflies, bees, ladybugs, dragonflies, and hummingbirds. [ private repo, ask for access: ]
-- status: on hiatus
-- work in progress, a 3D game where you can play as a spider, and do everything that a spider can, including swing on a web.
-- status: on hiatus
-- AT&T Developer Summit VR/AR Challenge
-- (Nov. 7-11, 2016): using C#, Unity3D, & Google Cardboard API, this shares the experience & joy of scuba diving, and teaches about marine life. [ ]
-- status: on hiatus
-- The Hurt Locker Sweeper: Explosive Ordinance Disposal
-- Minesweeper clone, named after the film "The Hurt Locker"
-- (The name and the images are just for fun, because they deal with mines/bombs in that film. So this is a parody. All copyright belongs to their creators.)
-- Link to GitHub.
-- Unlike the original Minesweeper, which used "Board Cycles", this version is actually random. Even I don't know beforehand where the mines would be!
-- status: completed
Collaborations With Others:
Game Jams:
-- Ludum Dare 44 entry (Friday April 26th to Monday April 29th, 2019 at Noisebridge): using C#, Unity3D; a 1-player puzzle game where the player needs to figure out how to get from point A to point B, even though the movements are constrained. [ ]
-- Play the game! -
-- Global Game Jam 2019 entry (Jan. 25-27, 2019): using C#, Unity3D; a couch-co-op game where two players help each other build shelter to protect against an impending cataclysm. [ ] -
-- Global Game Jam 2018 entry (Jan. 26-28, 2018): using C#, Unity3D; a couch-co-op game where two players control micro-organisms called "gut fauna", which affects the digestive system of a fish. [ ]
-- ( won TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2016 SoftBank Robotics America's challenge )
-- TechCrunch Disrupt SF Hackathon project
( September 10-11, 2016 ): we turned Pepper The Robot into an automated hotel concierge. I programmed her to turn towards a person who says some keywords like 'come here' or 'help' or 'Pepper' and move towards the speaker, with Python and the Pepper SDK. [ ] -
-- ( won AT&T’s Digital Life Home Automation challenge. )
-- AT&T Shape Hackathon project (July 15th - 16th, 2016): using AT&T's Digital Life, AT&T's M2X IoT Services, IBM Watson APIs, & Qualcomm hardware, the user can say keywords (hands free) to contact the police, firefighters, or ambulance services. I tested out the Qualcomm Dragonboard to see if it would enhance our project. [ ] -
-- ( won OpenIO’s challenge )
-- Ubi I/O hackathon project (June 3rd - 9th, 2016): a roommate finder that also matches based on personality, created with OpenIO's API, Zillow API, & IBM Watson's Personality Insights API. I programmed the part that uses IBM Watson's personality insights. [ ] -
-- Athackahon project (April 29, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Sunday, May 1, 2016): Empowering regular people like us to fight human trafficking, by helping us make informed decisions about things we buy, through a simple question: "Where's it from?"
-- I did idea generation, used Python Pandas to scrape data from Bureau of Labor website, research possible APIs that we could use Rails & Asset Pipeline, research and implement code that allows web browsers to use the phone’s camera to upload an image. [ ]
-- (February 18th - 25th, 2016) We gather data with Arduino sensors to find if an area has a high incidence of fevers, to alert relevant authorities of potential health crises. Each of us contributed to all aspects of the project, but my main contribution is I programmed the Arduino to send POST requests by connecting through WiFi with the use of 'nmap' (which I knew from my I.T. background). [ ]
-- Maker Faire project of Noisebridge for 2018.
How else to connect with Chua Productions:
For The Press:
presskit() (by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer))
© 2017-2019 Chua Productions, All Rights Reserved